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30-60-90 Day Plan: Things to Do in the First 30 Days of Your New Job

Securing the job that’s perfect for you is an exciting feeling because of the many possibilities. Although the act of starting a new job can also be overwhelming, especially if you are not quite sure of all the expectations, there are specific things that you can do in the first 30 days. And there are things that you can do before your first day. If you have never created a 30-60-90 Day Plan, the post, Creating a 30-60-90 Day Plan to Secure the Job  offers some guidance.

Craft an introduction: This may sound strange, but the reality is that there is truth to the adage that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. On your first day on the job, you will be introduced to key people, what will you say to them? What will be your elevator pitch? Think about similar roles that you have held, on your first day, what kinds of questions did your peers, direct reports and superiors ask? What kinds of questions do you think you will be asked about the work you were hired to do? Craft concise answers to those questions and practice responding to them.

Create a 30-60-90 Day Plan: You perform this activity before your first day on the job ONLY if you did not create a 30-60-90 Day Plan during the interviewing process. Reference Creating a 30-60-90 Day Plan to Secure the Job to find out how to do so.

Learn the business. Take the time to figure out the business so you know how your role contributes to the company’s bottom line. Learn the organization’s systems and its products and services. Review procedures and client accounts.

Schedule meetings with team members to learn about the written and unwritten rules. All of the information you need to know will not be in the company manual. Let your colleagues know that you are open to feedback on how you are doing. Review the code of conduct so that you do not make critical mistakes. Take time to observe the office culture, always listen before you speak, and do not talk about the last company you worked.

Meet with your manager to discover the criteria that will be used to evaluate your performance. In the meeting, find out if any of the requirements of the job have changed since the interview. Ask your manager what keeps her up at night. The key to success on the job is to find solutions to issues that are worrying your manager – to help her to succeed. You may want to review your 30-60-90 Day Plan with your boss, including her input on the things you must accomplish in the first 30 days on the job. Make sure you know and understand what the key priorities are for the first 30 days, your boss’ preferred way of communicating project status updates, and how frequently.

Seek a mentor. Organizations sometimes have programs in place to match a new hire with a more seasoned one. Find out if there is someone who has performed in your role and is willing to take you under her wing. Mentoring is about relationships, and relationships are built on give and take, so find ways to give back.

Ask lots of questions. If you notice that a process is not working as well as you think it should, instead of making recommendations for change, ask why things are done that way. There may be a very good reason.

Perform beyond expectations. Many employees are hired on a probationary basis, so the first 30 days on the job is critical. Once you know what is required of you to succeed on the job, deliver beyond what is expected.

Connect with your network. You may have connected with many people during the job search process, many of whom may have given you critical job-search advice and leads, now is the time to once again express your gratitude. Contact them to let them know where you have landed, your new roles and responsibilities, and that you are grateful for all the assistance they provided. Find out if there are ways that you can support them.