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Moving Resources Where They’re Needed Most

Companies are making plenty of big changes these days. Sure, some belt-tightening and early shifts in priorities are already underway, but what’s most remarkable is the sheer scale of innovation.

Textile companies are manufacturing masks and gowns for health care workers serving on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19. Restaurants and brick and mortar retailers have changed their entire business models in a matter of days. Liquor distilleries have started to ramp up production of hand sanitizer. A company known best for its vacuum cleaners has figured out how to make portable ventilators for use in field hospitals.

All of these companies are leveraging their skills, facilities and resources to do what needs to be done. And employers are doing the same with their workforces.

The companies we work with have fought hard over the past few years to get the talent they need to be competitive. They’ve invested heavily in attracting and retaining the very best – not just at the top, but at all levels. That includes full-time, permanent staff, along with highly-skilled, highly dedicated contingent workers who help to keep business running smoothly. Production schedules and demand may have shifted in recent weeks, but the value our clients place on their people has not.

Even so, some jobs are at risk, at least for the time being. Maybe it’s retail workers or restaurant managers, schedulers or hospitality hosts. It could be entertainers or UX designers. These are folks whose skills are in high demand even if their particular jobs are on hold. Put another way, times are changing, but opportunities remain.

Few of us have missed advertising from companies like Amazon and Costco imploring restaurant and retail workers to join their ranks. As millions transition to remote work, companies are in desperate need of IT and cybersecurity support. Hotels and convention centers are converting to field hospitals with negative pressure rooms. The Army Corps of Engineers can’t do that work alone.

At Talent Solutions, we’ve challenged ourselves to answer a few fundamental questions: How do we take what we know about translating skills—including lessons learned from our work with military veterans and video gamers—and use it to the advantage of not only our clients, but also workers and our economy? How do we do it in a way that meets the demand today and tomorrow? 

One of the ways Talent Solutions is helping organizations manage the unprecedented changes in their business is through  Talent Solutions developed the platform to organize talent pools by skillset and geography and allow recruiters to collaboratively source full-time, part-time and seasonal candidate pools for participating companies. Just as the vacuum manufacturer and textile company have shifted to meet the needs of a new reality, so has WorkMyWay.

We’re working with a hospitality company to identify short-term opportunities to keep furloughed staff engaged and afloat. We’re connecting retail workers and others to good-paying distribution jobs within a matter of minutes. And we’re helping companies redeploy technical workers to meet their IT needs—from help desks to network engineers—as companies transition to a remote workforce.

Our mission has been and will continue to prioritize health while also ensuring the continued delivery of products and services your customers expect so our economy can continue to function. It is an honor to work with so many of you to #KeepAmericaWorking.

This article was published on Linkedin as part of a series of articles in which we share some of the trends Talent Solutions TAPFIN is seeing in the market, along with insights about what organizations can do to mitigate risks and disruptions as we work our way through the COVID-19 pandemic.