Preparing for Changes In the Technological Revolution
Over the past few decades, the digital revolution has slowly become part of all aspects of our lives, from checking work email on our phones to streaming TV shows at night. But in the past year, technology has completely accelerated how we conduct our work, from taking Zoom meetings from any location to adjusting hours to fit our always-connected work culture. Here is how workers can prepare for and approach the continued technology revolution ahead.
Humans working together with machines
By 2025, time spent on current tasks at work by humans and machines will be equal, according to the World Economic Forum. While that will make some roles obsolete, it will also launch new opportunities. A growing number of emerging professions reflect the continuing importance of human interaction in the new economy, with increasing demand for care and green economy jobs; roles in marketing, sales and content production; as well as roles at the forefront of people and culture.
Everyone works at a tech company
The growth of cyber and remote working means every company must be a tech company to be able to compete and create more value. For employees, that means being savvy and upskilling or reskilling to keep up with the latest digital trends and technology. These skills can also help you become versatile and part of a “Super Team” that will be a critical combination of the best in human skills and intelligent machines working together to solve problems.
Technology to boost wellbeing
The health, economic and social crisis of the past year has created a people-first approach for companies. That means that employees will increasingly look to their HR department for virtual and technology resources to help build resilience, reskill or upskill and broader employee engagement.
Education revolution
Years, months and sometimes even weeks will be too long to wait to attain new skills at work. The ongoing need for upskilling and reskilling will change the future of education and the length and duration of courses and degrees. Individuals and organizations will shift towards on-demand, micro-certification, virtual teaching and cloud coaching to help develop and grow their talent.
With the acceleration of technology changes, everyone needs to prepare for the changing jobs of tomorrow, including green economy jobs, roles at the forefront of the data and AI economy, as well as new roles in engineering, cloud computing and product development. Everyone will work in a tech company –– it’s just a matter of understanding and preparing for that reality.